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9 Steps to Purify the Heart

May I suggest to the seeker of truth do the following NINE STEPS to purification of the heart:

9 Steps to Purify the Heart

1. Clean your mind, your heart & soul - remove all prejudices & biases.
... 2. Thank Allah swt for what you have every moment of every day.

3. Read a good translation of the meaning of the Holy Quran in a language that they can understand best.

4. Reflect on the meanings & consider the bounties of your Lord.

5. Seek Forgiveness From Allah swt & Learn to Forgive others.

6. Ask in your heart for Guidance from Above.

7. Open your heart and mind.

8. Continue to do this up for a few months. And be regular in it.

9. Avoid the 4 poisons of the heart:
Unnecessary Talking
Unrestrained Glances
Too Much Food
Keeping Bad Company

Remember: Clean; Thank; Read; Reflect - then:

"Seek, and ye shall find. Ask, and it shall be given thee. Knock, and it shall be opened."

Then: Continue & Avoid

The rest is between you and the Almighty Lord of the Universe. If you truly love Him, then He already Knows it and He will deal with each of us according to our hearts.