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The Works of Shaykh-ul-Islam

Shaykh-ul-Islam is a prolific author and researcher. He has authored around 1000 books out of which 400 books are already published, and the rest of them are yet to be published. An unrivalled orator and speaker, he has delivered over 5000 lectures (in Urdu, English and Arabic), on a wide range of subjects, which are available on cassette, CD, DVD formats as well as online.

The following represents a selection of his printed works:

Works on Qur’anic Tafsir (in number totaling 80 works) include:
Irfan al-Qur’an (the Meanings of the Qur’an — Urdu and English versions)
Tafsir Minhaj al-Qur’an (al-Futuhat al-Madaniyya — 14 volumes U.P.)
Tafsir Sura al-Fatiha (partly published, totaling 7 volumes), the largest available publication on this subject.
Kashf al-Ghita ʻan Maʻrifat al-Aqsam li-l-Mustafa (Tafsir in Arabic on the excellence of the Holy Prophet — blessings and peace be upon him).
Tasmiyya al-Qur’an (a voluminous book on the meanings of Bism Allah)
Manahij al-‘Irfan fi Lafz al-Qur’an (a voluminous book on the meanings of the word Qur’an)
Meaning of Ayat al-Kursi (a voluminous book)
Development of Human Personality in the Light of Sura al-Fatiha
Islamic Philosophy of Human Life
No Coercion in Religion
al-ʻIrfan fi Fadaʼil wa Adab al-Qurʼan (recitation of the Qur’an; virtues and manners)
Islamic Concept of Human Nature
Qur’anic Philosophy of Da‘wa
And many others

Works on Hadith compilation and the science of Hadith (in number totaling 100 works):
Jami‘ as-Sunna fi ma Yahtaj Ilayhi Akhir al-Umma (a comprehensive compilation of 25,000 ahadith, totaling 20 volumes U.P.)
al-Minhaj as-Sawiyy min al-Hadith an-Nabawiyy (4 volumes — collection of 5,000 ahadith compiled on the pattern and style of al-Imam an-Nawawi’s Riyad as-Salihin and al-Khatib at-Tabrizi’s Mishkat al-Masabih relevant to the modern age). Its abridged version Mukhtasar Al-Minhaj as-Sawiyy was published with compliments and tributes of Shaykh al-Azhar as-Sayyid Dr Muhammad Tantawi, a renowned Muhaddith of Egypt, ash-Shaykh Dr Ahmad ‘Umar Hashim, Ex-Vice Chancellor of Jami‘a al-Azhar, Cairo, and Grand Mufti of Egypt ash-Shaykh Dr ‘Ali Jumu‘a and others.
al-‘Ata fi Ma‘rifat al-Mustafa (4 volumes — collection of 5,000 ahadith on the subjects of the excellence, habits, morals, specialties and miracles of the Holy Prophet — blessings and peace be upon him — on the pattern and style of ash-Shifa of al-Qadi ‘Iyad U.P.)
Hidayat al-Umma ‘ala Minhaj al-Qur’an wa’s-Sunna (2 volumes — another collection of 2,200 ahadith)
Prophetic Virtues & Miracles
Al-Wafa fi Rahmat an-Nabi al-Mustafa
Al-Makana al-‘Aliyya fi’l-Khasa’is an-Nabawiyya
Al-Mizat an-Nabawiyya fi’l-Khasa’is ad-Dunwiyya
Al-‘Azama an-Nabawiyya fi’l-Khasa’is al-Barzakhiyya
Al-Futuhat an-Nabawiyya fi’l-Khasa’is al-Ukhrawiyya
Al-Jawahir an-Naqiyya fi ash-Shuma’il an-Nabawiyya
Al-Matalib as-Saniyya fi’l-‘Adat an-Nabawiyya
Al-Minahat as-Samadiyya fi’l-Ikhtiyarat an-Nabawiyya
Al-Imtiyazat an-Nabawiyya fi’l-‘Ulum al-Ghaybiyya
Al-Fawz al-Jali fi at-Tawassul bi’n-Nabi
Ash-Sharaf al-‘Ali fi at-Tabarruk bi’n-Nabi
an-Nur al-Mubin fi Hayat an-Nabi al-Amin
Al-Minhal as-Safi fi Ziyarat Qabr an-Nabi
Ghayat as-Sifa fi Husn Jasad al-Mustafa
Al-‘Asal an-Naqi fi Asma’ an-Nabi
an-Najaba fi Manaqib as-Sahaba wa’l-Qaraba (virtues of the Companions and the Family of the Holy Prophet [blessings and peace be upon him])
Rawdat as-Salikin fi Manaqib al-Awliya’ wa’s-Salihin (Virtues of the Friends of Allah and the Pious)
Ahsan ’s-Sana’a fi Ithbat ash-Shafa’a (Intercession)
Rahat al-Qulub fi Madhi ’n-Nabiyyi al-Mahbub (Hymn of the Holy Prophet [blessings and peace be upon him])
Kashf al-Asrar fi Mahabbat al-Mawjudat li-Sayyid al-Abrar
al-Badra’t-Tamam ‘ala Sahib’id-Dunuww wa’l-Maqam (virtues of Greetings and Salutations on the Holy Prophet [blessings and peace be upon him])
Ahsana’s-Subul fi Manaqib al-Anbiya’ wa’r-Rusul (virtues of the Prophets and Messengers)
as-Sayf al-Jali ‘ala Munkir Wilayat ‘Ali
al-Qawl al-Mu‘tabar fi’l-Imam al-Muntazar
al-Qawl al-Qawiyy fi Sama‘ al-Hasan ‘an ‘Ali (a book on the science of Hadith in Arabic language. It establishes the fact that al-Hasan of Busra met ‘Ali and heard him narrate traditions.)
al-Kanz ath-Thamin fi Fadilat adh-Dhikr wa’dh-Dhakirin (Pearls of Remembrance)
al-Khutba as-Sadida fi Usul al-Hadith wa Furu‘ al-‘Aqida (a brief textbook on the science of Hadith in the Arabic language)
al-‘Abdiyya fi’l-Hadrat as-Samadiyya (Rights of Allah on His Slaves)
Al-Marwiyyat as-Sulamiyya min al-Ahadith an-Nabawiyya
Al-Marwiyyat al-Qushayriyya min al-Ahadith an-Nabawiyya
Al-Marwiyyat as-Suhrawardiyya min al-Ahadith an-Nabawiyya
Marwiyyat ash-Shaykh al-Akbar min Ahadith an-Nabi al-Athar
al-Lubab fi’l-Huquq wa’l-Adab (Rights and Manners)
Righteous Character & Excellence of Social Interaction
An-Najah fi A‘mal al-Birr wa as-Sadaqa wa as-Salah
Ad-Da‘wat wa’l-Adhkar min Sunna an-Nabi al-Mukhtar
al-Futuhat fi’l-Adhkar ba‘d as-Salawat
Al-Manahil as-Safiyya fi Sharaf al-Umma al-Muhammadiyya
Imam Abu Hanifa: Imam al-A’imma fi’l-Hadith (4 volumes)
And many others

Works on Islamic ‘Aqida (in number totaling 100 works) include:
Majmu‘at al-‘Aqa’id (25 volumes — an unprecedented compendium on Islamic Faith and Theology)
Kitab at-Tawhid (a detailed treatise on the concept of the unity of Allah running into 2 volumes)
Kitab ar-Risala (2 volumes — a detailed treatise on the excellence of Prophethood and highly esteemed station of the Holy Prophet — blessings and peace be upon him)
Kitab as-Sunna (2 volumes — a comprehensive treatise on the authority, science and compilation of hadith and sunna)
Makanat ar-Risala wa’s-Sunna
Kitab al-Bid‘a (a comprehensive work on the concept of “innovations” in Islam)
Kitab al-Iman (Basic Tenets of Faith)
Kitab al-Islam (Pillars of Islam)
Kitab al-Ihsan (Book on Spiritual Excellence)
Kitab az-Ziyara (Book on Visiting the Graves)
Kitab al-Baraka (Book on Blessings)
Kitab ash-Shafa‘a (Book on Intercession)
Kitab at-Tawassul (Book on Intermediation)
at-Ta‘zim wa’l-‘Ibada (Reverence and Worship)
al-Wasa’it ash-Shar‘iyya (Lawful Means and Linkages)
Reverence of Prophethood
Finality of Prophethood
al-Mawlid an-Nabawiyy ([blessings and peace be upon him)] Celebration of Mawlid] The largest ever written work on this subject, consisting of approximately 850 pages)
‘Ilm al-Ghayb (Book on the Knowledge of the Unseen)
Ascension of the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him)
Love and Reverence of the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him)
The Central Point of Iman
Prisoners of the Beauty of Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him)
And many others

Works on the Biography (Sira) of the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) and his virtuous characteristics:
Sirat ar-Rasul (collection of 14 volumes, the largest collection ever written in the Urdu language)
Muqaddima as-Sira (2 volumes — an unprecedented work in Islamic history on the pattern of Muqaddima Ibn Khaldun)
Khasa’is al-Mustafa (Holy Prophet’s Exclusive Virtues)
Shama’il al-Mustafa (Holy Prophet’s Personal Characteristics and Habits)
Asma’ al-Mustafa (Meanings and Interpretation of the Holy Prophet’s Names)
Dala’il al-Barakat (2500 styles of greetings and salutations on the Holy Prophet — blessings and peace be upon him — a masterpiece of Arabic literature, written in the style of the well-read Dala’il al-Khayrat of Imam Jazuli)
Political Aspect of the Prophet’s Sira
Economic Aspect of the Prophet’s Sira
Administrative Aspect of the Prophet’s Sira
Constitutional Aspect of the Prophet’s Sira
Scientific Aspect of the Prophet’s Sira
Cultural Aspect of the Prophet’s Sira
Historical Aspect of the Prophet’s Sira
Aspect of Human Rights in the Prophet’s Sira
Aspect of Peace and Integration in the Prophet’s Sira
Diplomatic Relations in the Prophet’s Sira
Relations to Non-Muslims in the Prophet’s Sira
Revolutionary Struggle in the Prophet’s Sira
Qur’an on the Characteristics of the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him)
And many others

Works on Islamic Law and Jurisprudence (Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh) totaling around 60 works:
Islamic Penal System and Philosophy (Shaykh-ul-Islam’s doctoral thesis)
Islamic Concept of Law
Salient Characteristics of Islamic Law
Islamic Concept of Crime
A Comparative Study of Islamic and Western Concepts of Law
Islam and Criminality
Legal Character of Islamic Punishments
al-Hukm ash-Shar‘i (a book on Usul al-Fiqh [Islamic jurisprudence])
Sources of Islamic Law
Philosophy of Ijtihad and the Modern World
Ijtihad — Meaning, Kinds and Scope
Jurisprudential Methodology of Islamic Research
Islamic Concept of State
Qur’anic Basis of Constitutional Theory
Concept of Jail and Imprisonment in Islam
Difference between the Text and its Exegesis
And many others

Works on Islamic Political and Economic Systems:
The Constitution of Madina (a detailed exposition of the first ever written constitution in human history)
Khilafa and Democracy (a voluminous work on the subject of Islamic Political System U.P.)
Islamic Economic System, its Origin and Development
Qawa‘id al-Iqtisad fi’l-Islam ([Arabic] Principles of Islamic Economics)
Qur’anic Philosophy of Change (2 volumes)
Islamic Economy and Interest-free Banking
Qur’anic Philosophy of Rise and Fall of the Nations
Islam — a Religion of Balance and Moderation
Nizam Mustafa: a Message and Struggle for Change
Objectives of the Raising of Prophets (blessings and peace be upon them)
And many others

Works on Tasawwuf and Spirituality; around 50 works on Islamic Science of Mysticism and Spiritualism:
Kitab al-Ihsan
Reality of Tasawwuf
Practical Code of Spirituality
Obedience to Allah
Pearls of Remembrance of Allah
Love of Allah
Wariness of Allah
The Beauty of Pious Deeds
The Beauty of Spiritual States
The Beauty of Good Morals
Purification of Heart and Soul
Corruption of the Heart and its Cure
Our Real Homeland
Sin and Repentance
Qur’anic Categorization of People
Deeds and Spiritual Intoxication
Life — a War between Good and Evil
Morality of Prophets (blessings and peace be upon them)
The Awliya’: Companies and Narrations
al-Fuyudat al-Muhammadiyya
And many others

Works on Human Rights and Modern Sciences:
Human Rights in Islam
Islam on the Rights of Women
Islam on the Rights of Children
Islam on the Rights of Senior Citizens
Islam on the Rights of Non-Muslims
Islam on the Rights of the Disabled
Islam and Science
Qur’an on Creation and Evolution of Man
Qur’an on Creation and Expansion of the Universe
Islam on Prevention of Heart Diseases
Spiritualism and Magnetism
Issues of the Modern Age and their Solutions
And many others

Miscellaneous Works:
Islam in Various Perspectives
How to end Extremism and Sectarianism?
Our Religious Downfall and its Trifold Defence Strategy
Multidimensional Attack on Iman
The Real Concept of Jihad
Jihad: a Charity
Islamic Concept of Knowledge
True Knowledge: a Creative or an Interpretative Phenomenon
Reformable Aspects of Religious and Secular Sciences
The Real Base of Piety
And many others

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