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Sleeping On Stomach – What Prophet (PBUH) Says.

Do Not Sleep On Your Stomach:
Sleeping On Stomach – What Prophet (PBUH) Says.

• Takhfah ibn Qays al-Ghifaari (RadhiALLAHu Anho) said: When I was lying on my stomach in the Masjid just before dawn, a man nudged me with His foot and said •►’This manner of lying is hated by ALLAH.’
I looked and saw that it was the Messenger of ALLAH (sallALLAHu ályhi wasallam).
… –Narrated by Ahmad
–Abu Dawood in al-Sunan, Kitaab al-Adab, no. 5040]

• Ibn Takhfah al-Ghifaari that Abu Dharr (RadhiALLAHu Anho) said: The Prophet (sallALLAHu ályhi wasallam) passed by me and I was lying on my stomach. He prodded me with his foot and said •►
‘O Junaydib! This is how the people of Hell lie.’

–Ibn Majaah – 3724, al-Tirmidhi, no. 2798,
–Saheeh al-Jaami’, 2270-2271

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