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Naat Sharifs Written by Sahaba-e-Ikhram ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )

List of Names of Naat Khawans  among Sahaba-e-Ikhrams ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeens )

History & Hadith-e-Sharif  books have recorded many Naats of Sahaba.
In Bukhari Sharif  Vol. 2, Book 17, No. 122 says:

(Hazrat Ibn ‘Umar) said, “The following poetic verse occurred to my mind while I was looking at the face of the Beloved Prophet ( Sal-lal-lahu Alaihi Wa Sallam ) while he was praying for rain. He did not get down till the rain water flowed profusely from every roof-gutter: And a white (person) who is requested to pray for rain and who takes care of the orphans and is the guardian of widows…”

Name List of Some Sahaba-e-Ikhrams ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeens ) whose Naat Khawani is  known :-

1.Hazrat Syedina Abbas Bin Abdul Mutalab ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
2. Hazrat Syedina Ameer Hamza ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
3. Hazrat Abu Talib ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
4. Ameer ul Momineen Hazrat Syedina Abu Bakar Siddique ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
5. Ameer ul Momineen Hazrat Syedina Umar  Farouq ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
6. Ameer ul Momineen Hazrat Syedina Usman ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
7. Ameer ul Momineen Hazrat Syedina Hazrat Ali Murtuza ( Karam Allahu Wajhu )
8. Khatoon-e-Jannat Hazrata Bi Bi  Fatimus Zohra ( Radi Allahu Anha )
9. Hazrata Safiya (Radi Allahu Anha )
10. Hazrat Abu Sufyan Bin Haris ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
11. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Rawaha ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
12. Hazrat Kaab Bin Malik ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
13. Hazrat Hassan Bin Saabit ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
14. Hazrat Zuhair Al-Jashmi ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
15. Hazrat Umar Bin Malik ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
16. Hazrat Abbas Bin Marwas ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
17. Hazrat Kuwa Bin Hubaira ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
18. Hazrat Abu Uza ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
19. Hazrat Abdullah ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
20. Hazrat Bakr Bin Wail ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
21. Hazrat Malik Bin Mamt ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
22. Hazrat Umas Bin Zumaim ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
23. Hazrat Usaid Bin Salama ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
24. Hazrat Malik Bin Saad ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
25. Hazrat Qais Bin Bahd ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
26. Hazrat Umr Bin Subaih ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
27. Hazrat Kalab Bin Usaid ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
28. Hazrat Nabgha Jadi ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
29. Hazrat Nazm Bin Ghduma ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
30. Hazrat Al-Aamshi ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
31. Hazrat Fuzala ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
32. Hazrat Amr Bin Aqwa ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
33. Hazrat Amr Bin Salam ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
34. Hazrat Abbas Al-Sulmi ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )
35. Hazrat Kaab Bin Zuhair ( Rizwan Allahi Thaalah Alaiheem Ajmaeeen )

By Hazrat Hassan Bin Thabit, Radi Allahu Anhu
‘By God, no woman has conceived and given birth
To one like the Apostle, the Prophet and guide of his people;
Nor has God created among his creatures
One more faithful to his sojourner or his promise
Than he who was the source of light,
Blessed in his deeds, just and upright.

By Hazrat Hassan Bin Thabit, Radi Allahu Anhu
‘He vested him with a name from his Name derived
That he may rise empyrean high
High as stands the crest of the sublime
Behold who the Throne possesses is Mahmud called
While this one is a Muhammad hailed. (p 689-690)

By Hazrat Malik Bin Auf, Radi Allahu Anhu
‘I have never seen or heard of a man
Like Muhammad In the whole world;
Faithful to his word and generous when asked for a gift
And when you wish he will tell you of the future.
When the squadron shows its strength
With spears and swords that strike,
In the dust of war he is like a lion
Guarding its cubs in its den. (p 594)
As rendered in Ad-Da’wah At-Tammah Wat-tadhkiratul ‘Ammah by Imam Abdallah Bin Alawi AI Haddad, translate by Mohamed Mlamali Adam in consultation with Sayyid Omar Bin Abdallah.

My eyes have not seen more beautiful person than you
No women has given birth to a more beautiful person than you
You have been created without any weakness and blemish
As if you have been created as you wished to be created

wa ahsanu minka lam thara qatun Aini
wa ajmalu minka talidin nisa’

khuliqta mubarra an min kulli aibin
ka annaka qad khuliqta kama tashaa”

Hazrat Hassan bin Thabit Radi ALLAH Anho

‘I could not praise Muhammad with my words;
my words were made praiseworthy by Muhammad
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).’

Hazrat Hassan bin Thabit Radi ALLAH Anho
(1) A fair-skinned one by whose face rainclouds are sought, A caretaker for the orphans and protector of widows. With him the clan of Hashim seek refuge from calamities, For they possess in him immense favor and grace….”

Narrated by al-Bayhaqi in Dala’il al-Nubuwwa (6:141) cf. Ibn Kathir,
al-Bidaya wal-Nihaya (6:90-91) and Ibn Hajar, Fath al-Bari (1989 ed. 2:629).

(2)  Report of Hazrat Sawad ibn Qarib al-Sadusi who declaimed:

Truly, you are the nearest of all Messengers as a means to Allah, son of the noblest and purest ones!
Therefore, be an intercessor for me the Day none but you among intercessors shall be of the least benefit for Sawad ibn Qarib!

Whereupon the Prophet smiled, upon him peace, and said: “You have obtained success, Sawad!”

Narrated by Abu Ya`la in his Mu`jam (p. 265), al-Tabarani in al-Kabir (7:94 §6475), Abu Nu`aym in Dala’il al-Nubuwwa (p. 114 §63), al-Taymi in the Dala’il (p. 132), al-Hakim in the Mustadrak, (3:705), al-Bayhaqi in the Dala’il (2:251) cf. Ibn `Abd al-Barr, Isti`ab (2:675), Ibn Kathir, Tafsir (4:169) and Bidaya, Ibn Hajar, Fath al-Bari (7:180) and Isaba (3:219).

(3) Report of Hassan ibn Thabit Radi ALLAH Anho who declaimed:

O Pillar of those who rely upon you, O Immunity of those who seek refuge in you, and Resort of those who seek herbiage and rain, and Neighboring Protector of those in need of shelter! O you whom the One God has chosen for His creatures by planting in him perfection and purity of character!

Narrated by Ibn `Abd al-Barr in al-Isti`ab (1:276) and Ibn Sayyid al-Nas in Minah al-Mad-h (p. 73)

1. Hazrat Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib (Radi ALLAH Anho) wrote:

After gaining victory and success in Ghazwa Tabook when Rasoolullah (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) arrived in
Madinatul Munawwara, Hadrat Sayyiduna Abbas (radi Allahu anhu) requested permission of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) to read a few stanzas in his praise then Rahmate Alam (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) said, ” My dear Uncle ! Go ahead. May Almighty Allah keep your mouth well.”

Hazrat Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib (Radi ALLAH Anho) said:

… Before you came to this world,
you were excellent in the shadows and in the repository (i.e. loins)
in the time when they (Adam and Eve) covered themselves with leaves.
Then you descended through the ages…
When you were born, the earth shone
and the horizon was illuminated by your light.
We travel in that illumination and in the light and in the paths of right guidance.”

Mullah Ali al-Qari in his ‘Sharh al-Shifa’(1:364) says it is related by Abu Bakr al-Shafi`i and Tabarani, and cited by Ibn `Abd al-Barr and Ibn al-Qayyim respectively in ‘al-Isti`ab’ and ‘Huda Nabiyy Allah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim)’.

This has been stated in distinguished works of great Muhaditheen such as Imam Jalaluddeen Suyuti, Muhadith ibn Jauzi, Allamah Ibn Hajr, Allamah Halbi, Allamah Dahlaan Makki, Allamah Nibhaani, Allamah ibn Abdul Birr, Allamah Haakim, Allamah Ibn Kathir and Allamah Sharistaani (radi Allahu Anhumul Ajmaeen).

(Ref: Kitaabul Wafa pg 35 vol 1 - khasais ul kubra pg 97 vol 1 - Insaanul Uyoon page 96 vol 1 - Seeratun Nauwiya pg 37 - Jawahirul Bihaar pg 40) - Anwaarul Muhammadiyah pg 62-84 - Hujjatulahi Alal Alameen pg 222 - Muwahibul Ladaniyah pg 23 - Al Istiaab Mustadrik pg 327vol 3 - Albidaya Wan Nihaya pg 258 vol 2 - Kitaabul Mallal wan Nahal pg 240 Vol 2 - Majma’i Zawahid pg 217 vol 8 - Talkheesul Mustadrik pg 327 vol 3).

Hazrat Hassan Bin Saabit (Radi ALLAH Anho) wrote:

Wa Ah’sanu Minka Lum taraqattu Aienee
Wa Ajmalu Minka Lum Talidin Nisa’u
Khuliqta Mubarra’am Min Kulli Aie’bin
Ka’Annaka Qud Khuliqta Kama Tasha’u

Hazrat Aaisha (Radi ALLAH Anha) narrates, that Noble Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) (Peace Be Upon Him) built a MIMBER for Hazrat Hassan (Radi ALLAH Anho) in Masjid-e-Nabawi Shareef, and Hazrat Hassan use to Recite Naats standing on that MIMBER and also use to give answers to MUSHRIKEEN on behalf of Syyeduna Muhammadur Rasoolullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam). For this act of Hazat Hassan Noble Prophet (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) (Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam) said “Untill Hassan recites and give answers to mushrikeen on this MIMBER, Jibreel-e-Ameen helps him.” (Bukhari Shareef, Ziaul Hadeeth page 91)
Thats why we say:

Sarkaar Nay Hassan Ko Mimber Pay Bithaya
Sarkar Kay Sana Khwan Ki Toqeer Baree Hay

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