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Muslim Brotherhood

A very brief post for now inshaAllah Ta'ala.

The enforcement of Muslim Brotherhood is the greatest social ideal of Islam. On it was based the Prophet's (SAW) sermon on his last pilgrimage, and Islam cannot be completely realized until this ideal is achieved. '
(Shaikh Maulana Muhammad Yusuf, 2nd Ameer of Tabligh)

As Muslims part of ahlus sunnah wal jamaa'ah we all have differences amongst us, fiqh'i or otherwise. This is no big thing; even the sahaba had differences amongst them. However, despite these differences, they had the utmost respect and love for each other. Never did they use bad language, devious methods, slander, make cause for division etc. This is something we Muslims need to bring into practice in today's times. This is something our ulema and elders advised us very strongly about as the quote above clearly states, and if you read the last speech of Shaikh Yusuf rahmatullah alaih ( which i have already posted), we will see just how much it was stressed upon.

May Allah give us the ability to set our differences aside for the deen, to be able to agree to disagree, because this is the very thing that is the downfall of the Ummah today, this division and ceaseless arguing and needless hatred. May Allah guide us all.

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