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Living the Deen throughout our lives..

Assalamu Alaikum WaRahmatullah

From a discourse of Shaikh Maulana Inamul Hasan Rahmatulla Alaih:

" Religiousness does not mean the performance of a few deeds only, rather it is following the
deen all throughout life and spending the entire life in the compliance of Allah's commandments.

Tabligh, Joula and Khurooj, taleem etc are meant only to keep the path of good deeds open for us,
so that we may follow the commandments of Allah strictly throughout our lives. Joula and Khurooj 
are not complete deen, rather an excellent means of its acquisition. keep yourselves busy in these four deeds
and protect yourself from useless things.

The desire to commit deeds is proportionate to the avoidance of useless talks and deeds.

Wa Alaikum Salam Wa Rahmatullah

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