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A message from a Muslim to the entire Ummah...

A message from a Muslim to the entire Ummah...

Assalamo Alaikum dear brothers and sisters. I think all of us are aware of the recent attacks on our beloved Gaza and the massacre that is taking place and our beloved brothers and sisters are being bombarded. This is all for the soul reason that they are the believers of "LA ILAHA ILLALLAH MUHAMMADARRASOOL ALLAH". It kills us from inside watching our fellow muslims being burned down to ashes and our sisters being deprived of their respect, but let me tell you something that is even more torchering than this, it is the silence of most of the muslims and almost all of the muslim governments. Have we sold our deen for merely this world? Have we let lose the rope of Allah? Have we left the brotherhood of Islam? It tears my heart apart watching my fellow muslims denying the need of jihad and to spice that up, the governments of muslim countries are not even condemning the actions of terrorists i.e. Israel. I want to tell the whole muslim ummah, I swear to Allah in whose grip is my soul and the whole world is under his hand of ultimate strength, if you don't rise up now for the help of your fellow muslims then on the day of judgement they will grab you by your necks and will ask Allah the all just to ask you that why didn't you come for our help when the mushrikeen and kafireen were slaughtering us? And trust me, you wouldn't be able to give any excuse and Allah SUBHANAHU WA T'ALA, AlHakam, will not leave this matter undealt. Answer to the call of your fellow muslims. In the end I would like to tell my brothers and sisters in GAZA that please be patient, as this is a trial by Allah and he will INSHA ALLAH raise your ranks in jannah through this. Pray for the awakening of this ummah because you people are the most beloved people of ALLAH. May Allah SUBHANAHU WA T'ALA allow us to be the one's who come for your nusrah. AMEEN YA RAB AL 'ALAMEEN.

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